Media Resources
The ReTV Project is a Research and Innovation Action funded in the EU Horizon 2020 program that commenced in January 2018 and will finish in December 2020. ReTV will build a Trans-Vector Platform (TVP) for the European media industry, including broadcasters, aggregators and OTT re-broadcasters. After publishing (annotated) content, the TVP will measure and analyze audience interactions with TV content across multiple channels (media vectors such as traditional linear TV, VoD websites, broadcaster websites, social media channels, etc.).
The high-resolution versions of the figures below, including the project logo and previous publications that ReTV will build on, are also available as a .zip archive.
ReTV Project Logo
Westeros Sentinel – A Visual Analytics Dashboard for HBO’s Game of Thrones
Reference: Scharl, A., Hubmann-Haidvogel, A., et al. (2016). “Analyzing the Public Discourse on Works of Fiction – Automatic Emotion Detection in Online Media Coverage about HBO’s Game of Thrones”, Information Processing & Management, 52(1): 129-138. Download PDF
WYSDOM Communication Success Metric
Reference: Scharl, A., Herring, D., et al. (2017). “Semantic Systems and Visual Tools to Support Environmental
Communication”, IEEE Systems Journal, 11(2): 762-771. Download PDF